Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Biography Of Alan Turing, Inventor Of The Computer Program ( The Father Of Computer Science)

Tags - The name of Alan Turing can not be separated from the history of the development of computer technology. He was known as a figure who played a major role in the development of the modern computer the first digital and is known as the 'Father of Computer Science'. His full name is Alan Mathison Turing was born in London on 23 June 1912. He is the second child of the spouse of Julius Mathison Turing and Ethel Sara Stoney. He has an older brother named John. F Turing.

     Father Alan Turing, namely Julius Mathison Turing worked as a clerk in the civil service in India when India was still under British rule. His own mother which Ethel Sara Stoney is the son of a railway clerk. When it contains Alan Turing, his parents would that Alan Turing was born in England, therefore, they then returned to England.

 The childhood of Alan Turin
     When Alan Turing was six years old, he then entered the elementary school of St. Michael, and at the school, Alan Turing began to show his genius and made the head of his school are amazed at the genius of Alan Turing small. In his teens, he had read the works of Albert Einstein and then start to put her interest in the field of natural sciences and mathematics.

     And in 1926, Alan Turing then goes on Sherbone School. Graduated from Sherbone School, Alan Turin and then continue their education with college at Cambridge University in the department of Mathematics in 1931 where he affected the writings of Von Neumann, Russell and Whitehead on mathematics and science and in college he was active in the peaceful movement.

     In 1930, Alan Turing managed to create a machine named 'the Turing Machine' or the Machine is Turin which is a machine that can run a set of simple commands which then became the forerunner of the modern computer. 

     Machine artificial Turing is a tool that is able to change and manipulate the basic abstract symbols. The machine consists of a tape that can be used to read and write symbols on the tape of the Turing machine, and can also make the ribbon such as a storage area. 

     However, the Turing machine is not limited to the operations push and pop when accessing the storage media. Alan Turin also created the concepts of computer science even when it is still not known.

     In 1934 Alan Turing graduated from Cambridge University and thanks to his intelligence and also his achievements, he obtained a scholarship from Princeton University in the United States to pursue a doctoral degree and managed to finish it in 1936.

Make Engine Code-Breaking 'Colossus' the Forerunner of the Digital Computer
     Finish their education, Alan Turin, then returned to England and worked in the Department of Communication of the United Kingdom. When World War II raged from 1939 to 1945, he was assigned to solve the information contained in the Enigma machine (Encryption Engine) made Nazi Germany.

     It didn't take long, he then managed to crack the code that is contained in the Enigma machine to make a machine code-breaker who was given the name 'Colossus'. Machine this then became the pioneer of the beginning towards the era of digital computers. His services to his country he then was awarded as a war hero.

     After the world war, Alan Turing published a scientific paper entitled 'Computing Machinery and Intelligence'. In his writings, he proposed a method whether a machine also has an 'artificial Intelligence' right human brain then his proposal is known by the name of 'the Turing Test'.

     During his life, Alan Turing was trying so hard to machine his Machine Turin can be machine automatic computer at the National Physical Laboratory but it is never reached. He then moved to the University of Manchester and then there he was making a guide for machine automatic computer MADAM (Manchester Automatic Digital Machine).

End Of Life-Alan Turing

     Then in 1954, Alan Turing get into trouble, he was arrested local police with charges of sexual relations with a young man where it was banned in the Uk. Alan Turin then punished by injected estrogen with the aim of neutralizing the hormones.

     Due to these events, his reputation is destroyed and he then lost his job after much pressure from the public because he is known as a Gay man (Homosexual). The continuing pressures from the public to make Alan Turin then decides to commit suicide by eating an apple containing cyanide poison at home residing in the territory of Wislow, England on June 7, 1954.

     Behavior as a homosexual makes the United kingdom does not give forgiveness despite his reputation as a war hero and a famous scientist in the Uk. New in 2013, Queen Elizabeth to forgive himself after his death 60 years ago. Regardless of the behavior of Alan Turing, until recently he was known as an important figure in the development of digital computers and computer science that he dubbed as 'the Father of Computer Science'.

     The popularity of Alan Turing made some of the producers then lifting his life story into a film like 'The Imitation Game', 'Codebreaker', 'Decoding Alan Turing' and 'Breaking The Code'.

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